I think it says something for the Muv Luv series that no matter how you feel about Takeru initially, by the end you will be saluting him, and you will mean it. You will probably weep and cheer simultaneously. That's Muv Luv in a nutshell?a game that initially appears to be a fun and fantastical romantic comedy, but turns out to be a tribute to the power of courage, responsibility and sacrifice in the face of all-consuming despair. A third-year student in Hakuryou's class 3-B, Takeru is a typical high schooler with a carefree attitude and a love for video games, and in particular, for the virtual reality mecha battle game. He also makes appearances in different media by ge, from fandisks to anime. Your heart is broken, over and over again. Shirogane Takeru is the main character of the two main games of the Muv-Luv franchise: Muv-Luv and Muv-Luv Alternative.

The first Muv-Luv game, Muv-Luv, consists of two parts. It was later adapted into fandiscs, comics, and novels.
He grows up, and takes responsibility for his actions. Muv-Luv ( Maburavu) is a Japanese series of adventure games for the PC by ge.

Assume the start landing hives in Europe just like in Muv Luv. HOWEVER, the BETA have their laser-class species which completely and totally nullifies all air support. However they invaded in the 60s in muv luv and mankind has much better tech these days. Once you realize this, Takeru realizes it too. Follow/Fav Howling Under The Total Eclipse. The BETA are aliens of incredible tenacity and huge numbers. That is when you realize that no matter what you do, you will never be able to go back. You will long for the days of lunch battles and tomfoolery, when the main character's biggest problem was which girl he wanted to marry. But there will be a moment in Muv Luv Alternative, Muv Luv's very necessary sequel, when you will realize that you want to go back to those earlier times when life was simple for Takeru and his friends. You will rage in anger against the potty jokes and episodic storytelling and occasionally heavy-handed drama.

It will make you cry out for the good stuff. Today aNCHOR announced that Muv-Luv fans will have to wait a bit longer to savor the English localization of Muv-Luv. Muv Luv will make you curse the silly moments of comedy. Muv-Luv Unlimited The Day After Steam Release Delayed to Early February. But as an experience, without the grace of its successor, Muv Luv suffers hugely. Not to mention that Muv Luv is graced with some of the best visuals (despite the deliberately generic character designs) in the visual novel business. Unlimited also pulls the neat trick of taking your typical protagonist of an anime rom-com (Takeru, in this case), totally pulling the rug out from under him and forcing him to either change or die. The first game consists of roughly six hours of harem hijinks (Extra) and then another six or eight hours or so of something very different but still not quite excellent (Unlimited.) Granted, Extra can be remarkably entertaining considering the fact that it's almost totally fluff, and Unlimited has some great moments interspersed with the cliche. The Muv Luv games win the award for Worst Introductory Visual Novel for a novice of the genre.